We hope you'll join our ForLikeMinds Community in making a difference. We send a heartfelt thanks to all of our patients, donors, and partners.
Our program was inspired by my experiences living with severe bipolar I disorder, including three hospitalizations. Since I returned home from the last stay and until this day, my Mom and Dad have sent me the most loving cards every week. They make me feel loved and cared for, remembered, and needed. I want to share these same feelings with all psychiatric patients.
- Katherine
In memory of our beloved cat Dude. He blessed us with unconditional love and affection for 22 years. He has left our world, but will always be in our hearts. We dedicate this program to him because of the loving support he represents. He was with me through all the lows of my mental illness and unquestionably helped me through it, allowing me to help others now.